Monday, February 2, 2009


The Noah Curriculum is based on the Bible and the 1828 Noah Webster's Dictionary, part of the reason of the name.  Here is the definition of Education from the Noah Webster's dictionary:

The bringing up, as of a child, instruction; formation of matters.  Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations.  To give children a good eduction in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious eduction is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.

Wow, that says a lot.  It forms the whole person, and puts the burden of responsibility on the parents.  Now just out of curiosity I checked out an alternative definition of education from the online Merriam Webster dictionary:

1.  the action or process of educating or of being educated; also a stage of such a process, the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process.
2.  The field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools.

Hmmm.  The burden of responsibility with that one is on the schools.  That is interesting, because one seems pretty vague, but more well known, and the other is more detailed, but not as acknowledged in this period of time.  

Which one is right?  I know that Noah Webster used the Bible as a source for his dictionary and they have a tendency to overlap in meaning.  Since the Bible is important for us to follow, here are some scriptures to fill in some of the blanks:

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  

Psalms 86:11 - Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name.

Psalms 132:12 - If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.

Matthew 5:19 - Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

2 Timothy 2:24 - And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

There are 109 reference of teaching in the Bible, and just from this small selection above, the ability and knowledge of what to teach is very important.  Are these things that can be learned in schools at all in this day and age?  

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