Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Continuing the Self Directed Seminar

This week I purchased the three books that go with the Self-Directed Study , Teaching and Learning America's Christian History: The Principle Approach, The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America, Vol 1: Christian Self-Government, and The Christian History of the American Revolution: Consider and Ponder.  All these books are offered by the Foundation for American Christian Education.  Once I get them at the end of this week I am going to go back through the study with a fine tooth comb and learn some more.  

Did you know that the popular version of the Bible, NIV, is at the 5th grade reading level?  The King James version is at a 12 grade learning level.  Did you also know that the Humanist Manifesto (Google it sometime to read the whole thing) part two of three right now, that is basis for Humanism in this day and age, believes in the right of universal education, and although education is good, keeps God out of the school system and everyday life.  And that is what is happening today.  We hardly even know the basis of our own history in the United States and what this country was founded on, because of it's God given roots.  We are being spoon fed, and not strengthened to learn and to seek out the truth.  That partial in part of the reason I am going to homeschool.  I am looking forward to digging in, and will share with you what I learn.  

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