Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Time is going fast

This weekend I was at a family get together, and my oldest son has some second cousin's his age.  I started hearing stories of the other children beginning pre-school, and realized that I am entering into that age now of formalized schooling.  And at such a young age.  

Although we don't have plans to send our kids to pre-school at this time, it is interesting enough to see the cost of the schools, I do have a lot of resources at hand.  I have this catalogue called the Rainbow Resource Center, that I got in the mail for free  (http://www.rainbowresource.com/index.php) and began looking at what they had to offer.  They actually have a very extensive book with over 3500 products in it, all very detailed.  

Even with that I am hesitant about buying something I can't open, hold, and look at, so I am going to check out a local store that I know has a homeschooling section in it.  I was thinking if we can begin with reading and basic math concepts, it will help as we move onto the Noah Plan.  We also have plans to get the kids involved in organized activities, and with just the day to day things, they will have more than enough.

So are there any thoughts?  We are still going through the study plan, I just realized that there are a few things I can do now before we get into the full blown out curriculum.  

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