" Many parents disqualify themselves for their home-mission by devoting too much attention to society, by spending more time abroad, at parties, theatres and masquerade balls, n gossiping and recreation, than at home with each other and with their children. They commit their children, with all the family interests, to nurses and servants. They regard their offspring as mere playthings to be dandled upon the knee, brought up like calves in the stall, and then turned out to shape there own destiny."
I think that sounds pretty familiar. Earlier it was mentioned just as Christ is the head of the Church, the Father is head of the Household. The home is supposed to be the place where children learn the Word of God, learn how to pray and praise, and gain a solid foundation in Jesus. The church can be a good place to supplement that learning, but ultimately it should be learned in the home. What does that look like? I have seen a glimpse of it but think that God will show you what that will look like in your home. He will lead you on how to train your family and what the needs are for each one of you. That is what we are figuring out now.
I leave you with this thought, again a quote from Rev. Phillips, "Besides, the religion of our home implies that we 'command our children and household to keep the way of the Lord,'-that we 'bring them up in His and admonition,' and 'train them up as He would have them go;' and that in things pertaining to their spiritual welfare we 'go in and out' before them as their pattern and example, bidding them to 'follow us even as we follow Christ,' and living in their midst as 'the living epistles of Christ, know and read 'of them all....